About Trumpless

Wondering what this site is all about? Why it exists? Who it’s serving? We’ve got you covered! Check out the answers below and let us know if you have any feedback.

Why does Trumpless exist?

Trumpless is a simple speed-reference site for anyone who needs to quickly find out how long Donald Trump has been in office or how much time remains in the second Trump administration. We like to think of ourselves as the “countdown of record”.

Who is the audience for Trumpless?

Whether you’re a journalist, student, influencer, podcaster, writer, or late night TV host, you may occasionally find yourself needing to answer the question “‘What day of the Trump administration is it?” or “How much longer will Donald Trump be president?” Trumpless is here to answer those questions.

What happens when the countdown gets to zero?

When the Trumpless counter gets to zero — at noon on January 20th, 2029 ET — the presidency of Donald Trump will end and the winner of the 2028 presidential election will be sworn into office, continuing the great American tradition of a peaceful transfer of power.

Is this site affiliated with any partisan organization?

No. Trumpless is an informational project that is not associated with any partisan group or political organization.

What exactly am I supposed to do with this site?

We don’t know; that’s kind of up to you. But here are some random suggestions:

  • Use it as a research tool
  • Check in now and then to soothe your anxieties
  • Use is as your browser homepage
  • Make it the background of your podcast or YouTube video
  • Post a screenshot to your social media feed to back up some kind of point

Still have a question or some feedback?

If you need to get in touch to ask a specific question or offer some other feedback, this is the way.